
Saifullah Lake

Swat Valley is full with lakes located in the mid of most of the mountains.
Some places on earth are so wonderfully and spectacularly designed by the hands of Mother Nature that one finds it hard to describe the beauty and serenity of the area in written words. To experience the true and real beauty of these areas, it becomes binding to visit the area and explore the uniqueness and exquisiteness personally. Moreover there are several categories of people and all of them have their own standards and parameters of beauty as it is aptly said, "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". For me it is the best place in the world to escape from the routine hectic and busy life and spend some moments in the lap of pure and serene Mother Nature though some people may consider it madness or lunacy to leave the comforts and facilities of home and suffer, though sometimes, the bitterness of nature. Anyway let us take a walk in the domains of fairies where greenery inspires you, streams sing for you, cool gusts of wind caresses you and move its invisible fingers through your hair.
Saifullah Lake, which lies in the North of Kalam and Mahudand Lake, is famous not only among nature lovers, and escapists but also the exotic trout fish hunters. The valley can be accessed through an un-metalled road from Kalam in a four by four (4x4) vehicle which ends in Mahudand Lake. The road is bumpy and tricky but the surrounding landscapes engrosses you so severely that you wish for more and expect to discover new panoramas. From Mahudand a track up to maximum one hour is leading to Saifullah Lake. This Lake look similar to Mahudand Lake but both have difference in own beauty. There is also a big roaring waterfall near the Saifullah Lake which brings freshness in air with vapors spread in the air.  
The small hamlets that are scattered in the mountains and the bellowing smoke that spirals into the sky from the houses are some, which lives in the memory forever. Swat River, which is born here, is shackled by the tall mountains, which has turned its water into a roaring monster trying to release itself from its fetters, but there are some places where the river is calm and silent without showing any sign of rebellion. After driving for about four to five hours from the vast valley of Kalam, you will enter the wonderful and spectacular valley of Mahodand where the small lakes, towering trees and sprawling pastures welcome you. Some temporary restaurants and hotels have been constructed by the locals, which provide essential facilities of food and accommodation. They also provide boating facilities in the lakes.

Map of Saifullah Lake
Its coming ahead from Mahudand

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